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How SNL's 'the bubble' sketch about polarization is all too true

Тема в разделе 'Авторские статьи', создана пользователем evelynes, 21.11.2016.

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    evelynes Абитуриент

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    Leave it to “Saturday Night Live” to hold up a mirror to the “news bubble.”
    “What if there was a place where the unthinkable didn’t happen, and life could continue for progressive Americans just as before?” cast member Kyle Mooney asks in the skit that aired Saturday.
    “The Bubble is a community of like-minded thinkers – and no one else,” adds Shasheer Zamata.
    Though the city encased in a plastic bubble is fictional, it offers real-life criticism of the echo-chamber that left-leaning Americans are concerned they have been enclosed in. In part driven by the mainstream media’s incorrect election predictions and alarms over fake news and unreliable information spread on Facebook and Google, Americans on both sides of the political spectrum have started to question how they receive their news and the circles with which they surround themselves. But many have also started to seek out news from a more diverse variety of sources.
    In satirizing this bubble, SNL is further calling attention to it. In the parody ad, cast members Mr. Mooney and Ms. Zamata describe a Brooklyn-like city surrounded in an actual bubble. Those living there can connect to the outside world through websites such as The Huffington Post, Daily Kos, and Netflix documentaries about sushi rice, they say.
    “We’ll be fine right here in the Bubble,” says Mooney. “It’s their America now,” says Zamata.
    In the two weeks following the election of Donald Trump, SNL has subtly critiqued how many left-leaning urban dwellers were stunned by the results. Last week, black comedians Dave Chappelle and Chris Rock shrewdly warned a room of their white liberal friends on Election Night that Mr. Trump could come out on top.
    The skit starts with Cecily Strong’s character saying, “we're about to have our first woman president, like, this is going to be a hi
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